Friday, March 14, 2008

I'm Jake. I sell shit.

Howdy there cats and kittens. So, I'm Jake and I been a Register Jockey for some time. My life's not real complicated. I like to read comics. I prob'ly drink a little too much beer. I don't get laid enough. Pretty simple really. I figure I'll spend most of my time here talking about the register jockey-ing and the comics reading. They're not that unique, but lord knows they are more unique than another dude talking about drinking too much and going sexless again. I have not researched this, but I imagine that over 43% of all blogs kept by single males involve whining/boasting about getting wasted, trying to masturbate, and waking up in their own filth. I don't need to add to the collective voice of generations of spoiled douches trying to fulfill some kind of Bukowski-esque fantasy of manhood. I'm aspiring to be better than that.
I'm not sure where I want to start off with talking about comics. I've been reading Douglas Wolk's 'Reading Comics' over the last couple days and my head is spinning with all kinds of thoughts in response to it, but they are far too scattered to try to deal with yet. I'm sure that this thing is going to get all sorts of rambly most of the time, but I should at least try to avoid doing free-form, unconsidered response to a 400 page book of criticism. That is too far in the ol' rambling direction in my opinion. That being said - his essay about Cerebus is worth the cost of the book all by itself. And his chapter on Grant Morrison is just as good. And his 'defense' of Chris Ware does a pretty good job of arguing all of the reasons that I not-so-secretly suspect that Chris Ware is an asshole and unquestionably find his work dishonest and unreadable.
But I'll get more into that as I go on.
I think my first post after this one will be about the register jockey side of my life, because I feel like I've got a handful of things to say about that situation that can be put together in something resembling an organized and readable fashion.
I'm trying to be considerate to you, hypothetical-future-reader. I'm trying to pay attention to your needs.
I am sensitive.
Shit. This was just supposed to be an introduction and now it's getting all out of hand.
For right now you just need to know that I am Jake and that I sell shit.
That's my introduction to me.

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